Submissions are accepted from anyone who studied abroad during their post-secondary education. It does not matter how long ago the study abroad experience was; anyone is welcome to submit.
Submissions may take the form of creative nonfiction, poetry, photography, or other artistic mediums. Ideas for submissions are located at the bottom of the page. All submissions are subject to editorial review and may be conditionally accepted for publication upon completion of recommended edits. Questions or concerns about submitting can be directed to [email protected]
Submissions may take the form of creative nonfiction, poetry, photography, or other artistic mediums. Ideas for submissions are located at the bottom of the page. All submissions are subject to editorial review and may be conditionally accepted for publication upon completion of recommended edits. Questions or concerns about submitting can be directed to [email protected]
Submission deadlinesSubmissions are accepted throughout the year.
Those who submit content will be informed as to whether or not their submissions have been accepted no later than the end of August. |
Creative NonfictionTell us some of your most exciting stories from abroad! Write about seeing the Eiffel Tower for the first time, the first time you bargained in a souk, or the craziest thing that happened in your dorm room. Whatever you'd like to share, we'd like to know!
PoetryWrite a poem! Submit that pantoum you wrote about getting stuck in the airport, that sonnet about garlic bread, or that rambling piece about the sunset over the Thames. We want them all!
PhotographySend us photos from your time abroad! These could be of anything. An adventure in the catacombs? A Sunday in the park? That really cool looking building? Any photo that you took and fell in love with, we want to fall in love with it too!
Art & OtherSend us anything else that you feel encapsulates your time abroad! Do you have an acrylic rendition of the Costa Rican rainforest? Did you build a replica of the Statue of Liberty out of tin cans? Take a picture and send it to us! Whatever you've created, we'd love to share!